OK maybe not ALL I want for Christmas, but a friend recently turned me on to Paracuties.com, a wheelchair fetish site that currently only features one girl in one video, but she's REALLY hot, so I don't care. Check out the Youtube sample or go to their website and check out the sample photos - the look, the poses, the scenes are all pretty much spot on for any wheelchair fetishist or devotee (though I know some devotees will not like the fact that she's a pretender.)
I haven't seen the full video, so I have no idea how realistic she is throughout, but her 'leg cross' in the sample vid was hot and well done. She lacks confidence in her wheelchair use and control, but again, I love the 'new para' fantasy. There's no audio on the sample, don't know if I'd be into a whole 40+ minute video with little to no audio. Not sure about that one.
Of course I'll probably never see it, because again I have a problem with the price - at least as far as I understand it. Now $30 for a 42 minute vid DOES seem a good price, I have no problem there - I'd like it $5-$10 cheaper, sure, but that's because I'm poor. My problem is that, from what I can tell, that $30 is just a 7 day rental. You can watch your video - the one that you bought and downloaded to your own computer - for 7 days, then it apparently stops working. At least that's what I understand from reading through the website. If I'm reading something wrong here please point it out and correct me. I'd be thrilled to be wrong in this case.
I totally understand putting some kind of DRM on these videos to keep people from trading them freely - I've been part of the dev community for a long time, I know that paid for and copyrighted material gets traded like pokemon cards in this scene, and that this really hurts the businesses that are trying to provide us great material - thats why I stopped using any of the trading sites or services years ago, and I actually put my money down whenever I can to buy content and support these people. But I don't have a lot of money, and even LESS money that I can spend on fetish content, so I can't waste $30 on a hot video I only get to masturbate to for a week, and I can't go and spend $20 a month for some subscription service to see a few new pics and maybe a 3 minute video each week. Give me a 20-30 vid for $20 and make it quality, give me something I want to see, I'll buy it in a heartbeat. Give me the ability to buy it via PayPal or make the CC receipt something really innocuous and nondescript, and I don't even have to ask Heather for permission, so we ALL win there....
Anyway I guess this turned into more of a rant that I had thought it would, but I hope it made some sense...
Happy Holidays All!!!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
So what's up with the book?
I've had a number of emails this week asking about my book, as they (correctly) assumed that since I was once again becoming active online and posting new fiction to my blog, that I'd reached some kind of 'milestone'. Well, you're right.
Some history to any new readers - A while ago I announced that I would be working on a book of short stories that I hoped to publish and maybe even make a little money doing this 'thing' I love so much (and have done for over 10 years for free). Since then there hasn't been much activity related to the book - or my blog, it seems - so it makes sense that people do ask me what ever happened to that?
Well, I did 'finish' a book in September. At least it was a collection of short stories written by me that I was originally going to send to a vanity press type publisher. But then I read it, end to end, every single word of it, and I hated it.
Oh, I didn't hate the stories - they were really good, some of my best. But they all needed something more - that final polish you'd expect from a book you find in a bookstore. They were fine for posting to my totally free website, but I knew if I wanted people to actually buy it and pay me money, I would need to make it better.
Starting in October I dove back in and have been meticulously editing, spell checking, and re-editing every story, as well as coming up with some new stuff. Along the way, and talking to several friends online, I was coming up with a better plan/strategy around the book as well. Originally I was going to make it a very obviously 'DEVOTEE' book, with a wheelchair girl on the cover and a title like 'Hot Sexy Handicapped Chicks' or something equally tacky. But being so open and obvious might be a detractor for a lot of people who are still very much 'in the closet' as far as their devotee/wannabe/fetish feelings. How can you openly read a book that's so obviously fetish related? So now I'm working with a much more subtle cover and a much more subtle title (Current working title is 'We like it when you stare' but I'm not married to it yet)
I'm also planning for a very 'receipt-friendly' purchase plan, so 'Bob's house of Porn' doesn't show up on credit card receipts. I know there are some times where I would sneak in a video purchase if it didn't show up on the joint bank account as something obviously fetish/dev related. Spending $15 at Amazon is a lot easier to cover up than spending $15 at 'Paragirls Fetish store' you know? It will also be very reasonably priced - I don't believe in the '$100 for 10 minutes' pricing plan that seems so popular (mostly because I have a shitty job and I'm poor). I honestly believe that if I price this book at $15 or less, sure I won't make a ton per copy, but I trust that I'll sell a lot more copies.
So what's in the book? Well, I've got some edited and expanded versions of some of my most popular stories, including the COMPLETE stories for 'A New Arrangement' and 'Keep it in the Family' (you're going to LOVE those! I Do!) as well as a ton of new stories. I've got all my usual categories too - romance, erotic, kinky, para, quad, amputee, brace, diaper, some blindness, casts... it's a good mix and should certainly have something for everyone.
So when is this all happening? With the rate I've been able to work on it, and taking into account the current holiday season, I'm anticipating I'll have my first draft submitted by late January, and then hopefully have it available for sale by the end of February. I know that's still a while, but writing a book you can be proud of takes a LOT of work. Trust me.
so there you have it, that's the current 'State of the Union' for my first ever attempt at publishing. I hope people are really excited for this, I know now that I'm nearing the finish line with a product I really really love, I'm getting really excited! Also I hope that I sell more than three copies, because if I don't sell a bunch of these, I'm going to be really depressed. No pressure or anything....
Anyway, hope you like the new stuff I'm posting, feel free to drop me a line!!
Some history to any new readers - A while ago I announced that I would be working on a book of short stories that I hoped to publish and maybe even make a little money doing this 'thing' I love so much (and have done for over 10 years for free). Since then there hasn't been much activity related to the book - or my blog, it seems - so it makes sense that people do ask me what ever happened to that?
Well, I did 'finish' a book in September. At least it was a collection of short stories written by me that I was originally going to send to a vanity press type publisher. But then I read it, end to end, every single word of it, and I hated it.
Oh, I didn't hate the stories - they were really good, some of my best. But they all needed something more - that final polish you'd expect from a book you find in a bookstore. They were fine for posting to my totally free website, but I knew if I wanted people to actually buy it and pay me money, I would need to make it better.
Starting in October I dove back in and have been meticulously editing, spell checking, and re-editing every story, as well as coming up with some new stuff. Along the way, and talking to several friends online, I was coming up with a better plan/strategy around the book as well. Originally I was going to make it a very obviously 'DEVOTEE' book, with a wheelchair girl on the cover and a title like 'Hot Sexy Handicapped Chicks' or something equally tacky. But being so open and obvious might be a detractor for a lot of people who are still very much 'in the closet' as far as their devotee/wannabe/fetish feelings. How can you openly read a book that's so obviously fetish related? So now I'm working with a much more subtle cover and a much more subtle title (Current working title is 'We like it when you stare' but I'm not married to it yet)
I'm also planning for a very 'receipt-friendly' purchase plan, so 'Bob's house of Porn' doesn't show up on credit card receipts. I know there are some times where I would sneak in a video purchase if it didn't show up on the joint bank account as something obviously fetish/dev related. Spending $15 at Amazon is a lot easier to cover up than spending $15 at 'Paragirls Fetish store' you know? It will also be very reasonably priced - I don't believe in the '$100 for 10 minutes' pricing plan that seems so popular (mostly because I have a shitty job and I'm poor). I honestly believe that if I price this book at $15 or less, sure I won't make a ton per copy, but I trust that I'll sell a lot more copies.
So what's in the book? Well, I've got some edited and expanded versions of some of my most popular stories, including the COMPLETE stories for 'A New Arrangement' and 'Keep it in the Family' (you're going to LOVE those! I Do!) as well as a ton of new stories. I've got all my usual categories too - romance, erotic, kinky, para, quad, amputee, brace, diaper, some blindness, casts... it's a good mix and should certainly have something for everyone.
So when is this all happening? With the rate I've been able to work on it, and taking into account the current holiday season, I'm anticipating I'll have my first draft submitted by late January, and then hopefully have it available for sale by the end of February. I know that's still a while, but writing a book you can be proud of takes a LOT of work. Trust me.
so there you have it, that's the current 'State of the Union' for my first ever attempt at publishing. I hope people are really excited for this, I know now that I'm nearing the finish line with a product I really really love, I'm getting really excited! Also I hope that I sell more than three copies, because if I don't sell a bunch of these, I'm going to be really depressed. No pressure or anything....
Anyway, hope you like the new stuff I'm posting, feel free to drop me a line!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
New Story - A Stepmother's Love
I was reading one of my Yahoo grouns (yes, some people still use those - seems so quaint now) and in the Wheelchair Fiction group there was a small story fragment posted, called 'Loving my Stepmother' - well it was a short thing with no real story and no author, but it was a cool idea and kind of sexy (well, if you're into that sort of thing - I am, of course) so I decided to re-write it my own way.
I posted this earlier in the week to the Wheelchair Fiction group but got no response - those Yahoo groups are pretty dead now - so I've re-edited it a little and I'll post it here for people to enjoy! Hope you like it!
A Stepmother’s Love by ParaCathy
It was raining, I remember that, thick sheets of rain that beat against the windows and roof and coiled around us like shimmering ropes. Helen, my stepmother and only remaining family, cursed under her breath as she tapped the brakes and skirted around the edge of a substantial puddle.
It was my fault we were on the road in such a downpour - I had detention for cutting class, a cheap senior year stunt that landed me in the principals' office yet again. Because of that, Helen had to come pick me up, and I could tell she was annoyed.
We had a decent relationship overall, my stepmother and I, though I never did get around to calling her ‘mom’, even after ten years. Naturally as a parent it always made her mad when I acted out, when I got into trouble. I was entitled, at least in my head - I had lost my father to cancer only a year before, after all, and I was still coming to terms with it. Sure she had lost a husband, the only man she had ever loved, but in my mind that didn’t matter, my loss was greater, my grief deeper.
I was lost in my own thoughts when I heard Helen gasp, felt the car hydroplane, heard that gut-wrenching sound as the car got hit by - or hit - some object in the rain. I’d like to say I stayed calm as the car spun and then then seemed to almost float in mid air, but I know I screamed in terror, and then we hit again, and then...
How does one describe waking up in the hospital after a severe injury? To say I was disoriented was a huge understatement. Between the numerous injuries and the plethora of drugs they were pumping into me, I had a hard time remembering my own name, never mind where I was or what I was doing there.
My first memory, my first real, concrete memory after the accident was seeing the thin hospital bedsheet fall down around the small round ‘thing’ that should have been my left thigh. I then saw, in stark contrast, the massive elevated cast on my right leg and the way my foot seemed somehow ‘wrong’ in the heavy plaster dressings.
Helen visited me some time after that, I can’t recall the specifics but I do remember her being wheeled in. I learned from the nurses that she was both more and less fortunate than I was, not requiring any surgery and not even losing any blood, but... I remember seeing her in her wheelchair, seeing the way she sat, braced up, the stark white compression stockings and wide, soft booties on her legs and feet doing nothing to hide their obvious and pronounced uselessness.
We held hands and I think I cried, I cant recall clearly. The long weeks in the hospital blurred together so much, and I know there was a lot of crying for both of us. I remember seeing my stump, the remains of my left leg, so small and round and neat. I remember my right leg coming out of the cast and knowing, just knowing that I needn’t worry about learning to use crutches. My leg, my crippled little foot, weren’t going to support me, I was sure of that.
Helen progressed very well through rehab and was practically an expert wheelchair user before I was even well enough to start my own training, but she was there beside me, helping me to re-learn so many daily tasks from my wheelchair. Un-assisted I couldn’t even stand on my right leg, but with a heavy steel and leather caliper with a custom orthopedic shoe I had received late in my rehab training, I did manage to stand and take a few tentative, wobbly steps, Helen cheering me the whole way. It was very difficult work, naturally, and before my first day of training was over I was convinced that a wheelchair would be my primary mode of ambulation from that point forward.
Homecoming was bittersweet. After nearly half a year away, I returned to find the place I had called home since birth utterly and completely changed to adapt to our new conditions. Gone were the warm brick steps and rich wood door, replaced by a new concrete wheelchair ramp and a steel auto-opening doorway. As soon as I got inside the changes were even more profound - the kitchen and dining room had changed completely, the living room had new furniture, the layout was wide open to accommodate two wheelchair-bound women.
The bathroom was the biggest change, as it was completely unrecognizable. Specially adapted toilet, shower, grab bars... the list went on. I knew we needed all of this now, to stay independent and safe, but it was just another reminder of how the life we used to have was now over. I ran my hands over the cool metal grab bars and the smooth white porcelain sinks and looked in the mirror, specially mounted and angled so that I could see myself properly.
My red hair was much longer than I used to keep it, but I liked it, though I’d probably go for a style soon. My body - what I could see of it in the mirror, the parts above my waist - looked toned and firm from all the rehab, my face had a healthy glow despite of the situation. My eyes were sad, though... they looked older than they should.
I parked my wheelchair in my room; it had changed in some ways, to allow me to get around and dress in my wheelchair, but overall it was the same and for the first time since I got home, the first time since my terrible accident, I felt a connection to the life I used to have, a life with two healthy legs and a stepmother who could walk...
It all hit me then, the weight of it all, my disability, Helen’s paralysis, so much had happened, and I finally just broke down, sobbing into my hands as I sat there.
I didn’t hear Helen wheel up behind me, but I felt her arms around me, felt her stroking my hair, comforting me. She said she understood, and I knew she really did, her legs were useless, she was confined to a wheelchair forever, like I was.
I’m not even sure what came over me - I think I just wanted to be closer to her, not having our wheelchairs blocking that close physical contact, but I transferred into her paralyzed lap and rested my head against her large, soft breasts and closed my eyes, feeling her stroke my hair. I heard her heartbeat and felt her warm breast under my cheeks and it made me happy, it warmed me, it pushed away the bad feelings, it...
I suddenly felt strange, I was having a hard time understanding the sensation, but as my stepmother stroked my hair and ran her soft hand across my cheek, I recognized arousal, and I felt it from us both. I moved a hand closer to Helen’s large breast, brushing the dusty brown areola around her nipple through her shirt, and her heartbeat and breathing quickened noticeably.
I don’t know why neither of us said anything; maybe we couldn’t, maybe our combined grief over our situations made us crave any kind of pleasurable contact, any positive experience, but whatever the reason the last taboo was shattered as Helen - the only mother I knew from the time I was eight years old - had unbuttoned her blouse and exposed her large, full, pillow-like breasts. Without thinking and with no hesitation I placed my lips upon the closest nipple and began to suckle it greedily, my hands fondling and caressing it as Helen moaned.
As I suckled and fondled her breasts I felt Helen’s smooth warm hands slip under my t-shirt and slip the clasp of my Victoria Secret bra. I felt her cup and caress my breasts as I kissed and sucked hers, my heart pounding like Japanese drummers and my hands shaking, and suddenly I felt my bladder empty in a warm, wet stream, through my panties, over my stump, and down my stepmother’s limp, crippled legs. Instead of embarrassment, though, there was a deep sense of relief and, dare I say, satisfaction, and Helen moaned softly as well, hearing me pee on her more than actually feeling the warm liquid stream down her limp legs.
“I think maybe you need some protection now, baby.” Helen said, seeing the puddle below us both. “I’ll get you one of my diapers and then we’ll get this little accident cleaned up.”
I’m not sure I can adequately describe the excitement I felt at those words, and I really can’t explain why they affected me so much, but I wriggled on my stepmother’s lap as she continued to play with my breasts, then moved to caress my stump.
We held one another there in a near post-coital embrace for some time, I lost track, and then finally I transferred out of Helen’s lap and stripped off my soiled clothes and she told me to lay in bed as she wheeled out of the room. She returned a few minutes later, also stripped of her wet slacks and blouse and now wearing only white compression stockings and a fresh diaper.
She wheeled beside my bed and washed me carefully with moist wipes and I yearned for her touch. She maneuvered a bulky padded diaper, too large for me but still wonderful, between my crippled leg and my stump. As she fastened it securely, unable to help myself, I came with a warm, forceful orgasm that made me moan and made my stump twitch and bob about. Helen patted my diaper-padded sex with a smile.
“That’s my baby, you’ll be fine now...” she said, then stroked my crippled foot and played with my curled toes a little, moaning as she did so.
“We’ll be fine, mommy.” I said, unable to help myself as I lay there, reaching out to caress her limp, paralyzed thigh...
I posted this earlier in the week to the Wheelchair Fiction group but got no response - those Yahoo groups are pretty dead now - so I've re-edited it a little and I'll post it here for people to enjoy! Hope you like it!
A Stepmother’s Love by ParaCathy
It was raining, I remember that, thick sheets of rain that beat against the windows and roof and coiled around us like shimmering ropes. Helen, my stepmother and only remaining family, cursed under her breath as she tapped the brakes and skirted around the edge of a substantial puddle.
It was my fault we were on the road in such a downpour - I had detention for cutting class, a cheap senior year stunt that landed me in the principals' office yet again. Because of that, Helen had to come pick me up, and I could tell she was annoyed.
We had a decent relationship overall, my stepmother and I, though I never did get around to calling her ‘mom’, even after ten years. Naturally as a parent it always made her mad when I acted out, when I got into trouble. I was entitled, at least in my head - I had lost my father to cancer only a year before, after all, and I was still coming to terms with it. Sure she had lost a husband, the only man she had ever loved, but in my mind that didn’t matter, my loss was greater, my grief deeper.
I was lost in my own thoughts when I heard Helen gasp, felt the car hydroplane, heard that gut-wrenching sound as the car got hit by - or hit - some object in the rain. I’d like to say I stayed calm as the car spun and then then seemed to almost float in mid air, but I know I screamed in terror, and then we hit again, and then...
How does one describe waking up in the hospital after a severe injury? To say I was disoriented was a huge understatement. Between the numerous injuries and the plethora of drugs they were pumping into me, I had a hard time remembering my own name, never mind where I was or what I was doing there.
My first memory, my first real, concrete memory after the accident was seeing the thin hospital bedsheet fall down around the small round ‘thing’ that should have been my left thigh. I then saw, in stark contrast, the massive elevated cast on my right leg and the way my foot seemed somehow ‘wrong’ in the heavy plaster dressings.
Helen visited me some time after that, I can’t recall the specifics but I do remember her being wheeled in. I learned from the nurses that she was both more and less fortunate than I was, not requiring any surgery and not even losing any blood, but... I remember seeing her in her wheelchair, seeing the way she sat, braced up, the stark white compression stockings and wide, soft booties on her legs and feet doing nothing to hide their obvious and pronounced uselessness.
We held hands and I think I cried, I cant recall clearly. The long weeks in the hospital blurred together so much, and I know there was a lot of crying for both of us. I remember seeing my stump, the remains of my left leg, so small and round and neat. I remember my right leg coming out of the cast and knowing, just knowing that I needn’t worry about learning to use crutches. My leg, my crippled little foot, weren’t going to support me, I was sure of that.
Helen progressed very well through rehab and was practically an expert wheelchair user before I was even well enough to start my own training, but she was there beside me, helping me to re-learn so many daily tasks from my wheelchair. Un-assisted I couldn’t even stand on my right leg, but with a heavy steel and leather caliper with a custom orthopedic shoe I had received late in my rehab training, I did manage to stand and take a few tentative, wobbly steps, Helen cheering me the whole way. It was very difficult work, naturally, and before my first day of training was over I was convinced that a wheelchair would be my primary mode of ambulation from that point forward.
Homecoming was bittersweet. After nearly half a year away, I returned to find the place I had called home since birth utterly and completely changed to adapt to our new conditions. Gone were the warm brick steps and rich wood door, replaced by a new concrete wheelchair ramp and a steel auto-opening doorway. As soon as I got inside the changes were even more profound - the kitchen and dining room had changed completely, the living room had new furniture, the layout was wide open to accommodate two wheelchair-bound women.
The bathroom was the biggest change, as it was completely unrecognizable. Specially adapted toilet, shower, grab bars... the list went on. I knew we needed all of this now, to stay independent and safe, but it was just another reminder of how the life we used to have was now over. I ran my hands over the cool metal grab bars and the smooth white porcelain sinks and looked in the mirror, specially mounted and angled so that I could see myself properly.
My red hair was much longer than I used to keep it, but I liked it, though I’d probably go for a style soon. My body - what I could see of it in the mirror, the parts above my waist - looked toned and firm from all the rehab, my face had a healthy glow despite of the situation. My eyes were sad, though... they looked older than they should.
I parked my wheelchair in my room; it had changed in some ways, to allow me to get around and dress in my wheelchair, but overall it was the same and for the first time since I got home, the first time since my terrible accident, I felt a connection to the life I used to have, a life with two healthy legs and a stepmother who could walk...
It all hit me then, the weight of it all, my disability, Helen’s paralysis, so much had happened, and I finally just broke down, sobbing into my hands as I sat there.
I didn’t hear Helen wheel up behind me, but I felt her arms around me, felt her stroking my hair, comforting me. She said she understood, and I knew she really did, her legs were useless, she was confined to a wheelchair forever, like I was.
I’m not even sure what came over me - I think I just wanted to be closer to her, not having our wheelchairs blocking that close physical contact, but I transferred into her paralyzed lap and rested my head against her large, soft breasts and closed my eyes, feeling her stroke my hair. I heard her heartbeat and felt her warm breast under my cheeks and it made me happy, it warmed me, it pushed away the bad feelings, it...
I suddenly felt strange, I was having a hard time understanding the sensation, but as my stepmother stroked my hair and ran her soft hand across my cheek, I recognized arousal, and I felt it from us both. I moved a hand closer to Helen’s large breast, brushing the dusty brown areola around her nipple through her shirt, and her heartbeat and breathing quickened noticeably.
I don’t know why neither of us said anything; maybe we couldn’t, maybe our combined grief over our situations made us crave any kind of pleasurable contact, any positive experience, but whatever the reason the last taboo was shattered as Helen - the only mother I knew from the time I was eight years old - had unbuttoned her blouse and exposed her large, full, pillow-like breasts. Without thinking and with no hesitation I placed my lips upon the closest nipple and began to suckle it greedily, my hands fondling and caressing it as Helen moaned.
As I suckled and fondled her breasts I felt Helen’s smooth warm hands slip under my t-shirt and slip the clasp of my Victoria Secret bra. I felt her cup and caress my breasts as I kissed and sucked hers, my heart pounding like Japanese drummers and my hands shaking, and suddenly I felt my bladder empty in a warm, wet stream, through my panties, over my stump, and down my stepmother’s limp, crippled legs. Instead of embarrassment, though, there was a deep sense of relief and, dare I say, satisfaction, and Helen moaned softly as well, hearing me pee on her more than actually feeling the warm liquid stream down her limp legs.
“I think maybe you need some protection now, baby.” Helen said, seeing the puddle below us both. “I’ll get you one of my diapers and then we’ll get this little accident cleaned up.”
I’m not sure I can adequately describe the excitement I felt at those words, and I really can’t explain why they affected me so much, but I wriggled on my stepmother’s lap as she continued to play with my breasts, then moved to caress my stump.
We held one another there in a near post-coital embrace for some time, I lost track, and then finally I transferred out of Helen’s lap and stripped off my soiled clothes and she told me to lay in bed as she wheeled out of the room. She returned a few minutes later, also stripped of her wet slacks and blouse and now wearing only white compression stockings and a fresh diaper.
She wheeled beside my bed and washed me carefully with moist wipes and I yearned for her touch. She maneuvered a bulky padded diaper, too large for me but still wonderful, between my crippled leg and my stump. As she fastened it securely, unable to help myself, I came with a warm, forceful orgasm that made me moan and made my stump twitch and bob about. Helen patted my diaper-padded sex with a smile.
“That’s my baby, you’ll be fine now...” she said, then stroked my crippled foot and played with my curled toes a little, moaning as she did so.
“We’ll be fine, mommy.” I said, unable to help myself as I lay there, reaching out to caress her limp, paralyzed thigh...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Happy Masturbation Monday!!
Happy Masturbation Monday!! I had a pretty busy weekend, with lots of work (racking up the OT) plus a nice family holiday get-together, then last night - since it was pretty much the only time Heather and I had for ‘us’ time - turned into a pretty intense evening of fetish roleplay, including myself roleplaying slowly (over the course of maybe an hour?) going blind, to the point where I was completely blindfolded and feeling my way around. Of course Heather was a little tipsy (OK half a bottle of Zin, she was more than ‘a little’) and didn’t want me using my hands, so she bandaged them both into stumps and made me learn to use my feet for everything - of course ‘everything’ in this case equated to playing with her tits and fucking her with a vibrator and with my toes. Overall it was a very hot evening.
This morning I’m in a very naughty mood - between last night and the fact that I have a very well lubed vibrating butt plug in my bottom as I sit here in my wheelchair, diapered and very horny - and I actually came up with a kind of twisted hetero-ish story idea, so here you go ;)
Backdoor Love
“No Jim, it hurts, it’s really uncomfortable - I don’t want to do it! Why do you keep asking?” Amber sighed as she waled away. Jim followed her into the kitchen, trying to talk sweetly but, as usual, failing.
“It feels really good though...”
“Maybe for you!” she cut him off. “For me it’s your big cock pressed into my ass making me feel like I’ve been constipated for a week! how is that at ALL sexy or appealing?”
“We can take it slower this time, Amber - really gentle. I can guarantee it won’t hurt at all this time” he came up right behind her, stroking her hair. She could feel his hot breath on her neck, feel his cock against the small of her back. It made her knees weak.
“How can you say it’s not going to hurt?” she asked him, but she could feel her resolve weaken with every work. She really was horny; between their crazy work schedules it had been over a week since they’d fucked.
“I found a new technique.” he said softly, his deep voice in her ear, his musky smell teasing at her nostrils. Her panties were so wet. “And I’ll get you off first, too - we can use the Hitachi.”
“How about your tongue?” she asked softly.
“Anything you want, lover.” he said, and they were making their way to the bedroom, clothes dropping to the floor as the went.
Jim was true to his word, digging his face between her legs, kissing and licking and sucking on her clit while Amber writhed with pleasure. She felt him slip a lubed finger into her ass and ti felt good, it felt really good, there was no denying it. She came hard a number of times, moaning and panting and finally screaming in pleasure as Jim tongued her deep as he played with her ass. Her back arched, legs splayed, and then she finally pushed his face away, his touches now almost painful on her hyper-sensitive sex.
To his credit, Jim gave her as much time as she needed to catch her breath, and it was she who spoke first.
“So about this new technique, the ‘pain free’ one.” she said, trying to keep her voice even - it was hard. Jim had what she knew was definitely an above-average cock, possibly porn star big when he was fully erect, and anal with him always seemed like it would be more than uncomfortable - she looked at the purple head of his throbbing member and felt that it might even be completely impractical, if not impossible.
“Don’t worry Amber - like I said, it won’t hurt at all. Let’s position you.” and he piled a stack of pillows and helped her onto it, laying face down, the pillows providing very comfortable support for her. She let him spread her legs and position her and she buried her face into the soft sheets as she felt his finger slip the hot, wet lube into her ass. She was still so wet and aroused, she moaned as she felt his finger inside her. He slapped her ass playfully and then pinched her, then massaged her ass and thighs firmly, yet sensually. she moaned again and told him to take her, to fuck her hard. He moaned and she felt his strong hands grasp her waist, and then....
She felt him rocking her body, heard his thighs slapping against her ass, heard his grunts and moans, but there was no discomfort, no painful entry, there wasn’t really any sensation at all. Her fears alieved, she started getting into it, moaning and telling him how good he felt - even though she didn’t really feel him, which was a little odd - until she felt his grip tighten on her hips and he moaned and then practically roared as he came into her ass. At least she assumed he came into her ass, but she still really couldn't tell.
“Oh my god baby that was so good.” Amber said as he rolled beside her, breathing heavy. She tried to get off the pillows but she couldn’t - she felt almost like she was stuck.
“Your ass feels so good baby, mmmm.” Jim said, running his hands through her hair.
“It didn’t hurt at all, either.” Amber said, finally spilling sideways off the pillows and plopping next to him. “What did you do?”
“Used a special lube.” he said. “Found it online. It was a bitch to get, it’s not even legal in the states I guess, and it says you’ve got to wear a condom with it, but man, it felt so good! And didn’t hurt you?”
“I barely even felt it.” Amber said, but rapidly becoming concerned. “You say it’s not even available in the US?”
“No, I got it shipped from Germany, and THEY got it from like Sri Lanka or some shit. What’s wrong hon?” he saw the look of concern on amber’s face.
“Did it mention anything about possible side effects?” Amber said, rubbing her pussy and looking at her toes in concentration.
A few weeks later...
Amber looked in the full length mirror in the bathroom - she wore very sexy stockings under knee-height steel and leather braces, which were attached to black patent Mary Jane style shoes. She also wore a rather bulky adult diaper, and nothing else. She smiled at her reflection, grabbed her crutches and slowly crutched out of the bathroom, her legs still not very keen on obeying her commands, making her do a kind of ‘crutch-and-drag’ down the hallway to the bedroom where Jim waited.
“Hey lover.” she whispered as she crutched up to him. He stroked her thigh and then helped her onto the bed. He went to slip her diaper off, but she stopped him.
“mmm not yet Jim.” she said with a flirtatious giggle. “Start with my braces - you know how fond I’ve become of my nappys.”
Jim moaned and kissed her thigh before starting to remove her leg braces. “I know baby, I love them too, and everything that’s under them...”
Amber moaned as Jim spread her legs for her and slipped the leg braces off. She reached over and grabbed his hard cock and stroked it, he shuddered.
“I want you so bad.” he said, and she smiled and helped him pile supportive pillows. As he helped her get on the pillows and spread her legs, the feet floppy now, mostly useless.
“So pull off my diaper and stick your rock hard cock in my ass...” she moaned, hearing him rip off the diaper almost before she was done saying it.
“It’s amazing how much a little backdoor action can spice up your love life.” he said as he slipped his lubed cock into her.
“Well, that plus the partial nerve damage and the discovery of my diaper fetish and your disability fetish.” she said, reaching between her legs and rubbing her half-numb clit. “Now fuck me with that hard cock...”
She moaned as Jim fucked her unfeeling ass and she fingered herself, trying to find just the right spot. After some experimentation she finally came, almost simultaneously with Jim, and felt a warm stream of pee flow from her paralyzed bladder. Both moaned and collapsed, panting heavy.
Want more??
This morning I’m in a very naughty mood - between last night and the fact that I have a very well lubed vibrating butt plug in my bottom as I sit here in my wheelchair, diapered and very horny - and I actually came up with a kind of twisted hetero-ish story idea, so here you go ;)
Backdoor Love
“No Jim, it hurts, it’s really uncomfortable - I don’t want to do it! Why do you keep asking?” Amber sighed as she waled away. Jim followed her into the kitchen, trying to talk sweetly but, as usual, failing.
“It feels really good though...”
“Maybe for you!” she cut him off. “For me it’s your big cock pressed into my ass making me feel like I’ve been constipated for a week! how is that at ALL sexy or appealing?”
“We can take it slower this time, Amber - really gentle. I can guarantee it won’t hurt at all this time” he came up right behind her, stroking her hair. She could feel his hot breath on her neck, feel his cock against the small of her back. It made her knees weak.
“How can you say it’s not going to hurt?” she asked him, but she could feel her resolve weaken with every work. She really was horny; between their crazy work schedules it had been over a week since they’d fucked.
“I found a new technique.” he said softly, his deep voice in her ear, his musky smell teasing at her nostrils. Her panties were so wet. “And I’ll get you off first, too - we can use the Hitachi.”
“How about your tongue?” she asked softly.
“Anything you want, lover.” he said, and they were making their way to the bedroom, clothes dropping to the floor as the went.
Jim was true to his word, digging his face between her legs, kissing and licking and sucking on her clit while Amber writhed with pleasure. She felt him slip a lubed finger into her ass and ti felt good, it felt really good, there was no denying it. She came hard a number of times, moaning and panting and finally screaming in pleasure as Jim tongued her deep as he played with her ass. Her back arched, legs splayed, and then she finally pushed his face away, his touches now almost painful on her hyper-sensitive sex.
To his credit, Jim gave her as much time as she needed to catch her breath, and it was she who spoke first.
“So about this new technique, the ‘pain free’ one.” she said, trying to keep her voice even - it was hard. Jim had what she knew was definitely an above-average cock, possibly porn star big when he was fully erect, and anal with him always seemed like it would be more than uncomfortable - she looked at the purple head of his throbbing member and felt that it might even be completely impractical, if not impossible.
“Don’t worry Amber - like I said, it won’t hurt at all. Let’s position you.” and he piled a stack of pillows and helped her onto it, laying face down, the pillows providing very comfortable support for her. She let him spread her legs and position her and she buried her face into the soft sheets as she felt his finger slip the hot, wet lube into her ass. She was still so wet and aroused, she moaned as she felt his finger inside her. He slapped her ass playfully and then pinched her, then massaged her ass and thighs firmly, yet sensually. she moaned again and told him to take her, to fuck her hard. He moaned and she felt his strong hands grasp her waist, and then....
She felt him rocking her body, heard his thighs slapping against her ass, heard his grunts and moans, but there was no discomfort, no painful entry, there wasn’t really any sensation at all. Her fears alieved, she started getting into it, moaning and telling him how good he felt - even though she didn’t really feel him, which was a little odd - until she felt his grip tighten on her hips and he moaned and then practically roared as he came into her ass. At least she assumed he came into her ass, but she still really couldn't tell.
“Oh my god baby that was so good.” Amber said as he rolled beside her, breathing heavy. She tried to get off the pillows but she couldn’t - she felt almost like she was stuck.
“Your ass feels so good baby, mmmm.” Jim said, running his hands through her hair.
“It didn’t hurt at all, either.” Amber said, finally spilling sideways off the pillows and plopping next to him. “What did you do?”
“Used a special lube.” he said. “Found it online. It was a bitch to get, it’s not even legal in the states I guess, and it says you’ve got to wear a condom with it, but man, it felt so good! And didn’t hurt you?”
“I barely even felt it.” Amber said, but rapidly becoming concerned. “You say it’s not even available in the US?”
“No, I got it shipped from Germany, and THEY got it from like Sri Lanka or some shit. What’s wrong hon?” he saw the look of concern on amber’s face.
“Did it mention anything about possible side effects?” Amber said, rubbing her pussy and looking at her toes in concentration.
A few weeks later...
Amber looked in the full length mirror in the bathroom - she wore very sexy stockings under knee-height steel and leather braces, which were attached to black patent Mary Jane style shoes. She also wore a rather bulky adult diaper, and nothing else. She smiled at her reflection, grabbed her crutches and slowly crutched out of the bathroom, her legs still not very keen on obeying her commands, making her do a kind of ‘crutch-and-drag’ down the hallway to the bedroom where Jim waited.
“Hey lover.” she whispered as she crutched up to him. He stroked her thigh and then helped her onto the bed. He went to slip her diaper off, but she stopped him.
“mmm not yet Jim.” she said with a flirtatious giggle. “Start with my braces - you know how fond I’ve become of my nappys.”
Jim moaned and kissed her thigh before starting to remove her leg braces. “I know baby, I love them too, and everything that’s under them...”
Amber moaned as Jim spread her legs for her and slipped the leg braces off. She reached over and grabbed his hard cock and stroked it, he shuddered.
“I want you so bad.” he said, and she smiled and helped him pile supportive pillows. As he helped her get on the pillows and spread her legs, the feet floppy now, mostly useless.
“So pull off my diaper and stick your rock hard cock in my ass...” she moaned, hearing him rip off the diaper almost before she was done saying it.
“It’s amazing how much a little backdoor action can spice up your love life.” he said as he slipped his lubed cock into her.
“Well, that plus the partial nerve damage and the discovery of my diaper fetish and your disability fetish.” she said, reaching between her legs and rubbing her half-numb clit. “Now fuck me with that hard cock...”
She moaned as Jim fucked her unfeeling ass and she fingered herself, trying to find just the right spot. After some experimentation she finally came, almost simultaneously with Jim, and felt a warm stream of pee flow from her paralyzed bladder. Both moaned and collapsed, panting heavy.
Want more??
Friday, December 17, 2010
My Christmas Present - Paraplegic Jackie in Milwaukee Brace
so there was a new video on YouTube that caught my eye recently, a very cute girl (with an adorable Lesbian haircut, I might add) in a heavy Milwaukee brace and using a wheelchair. the youtube clip interested and excited me enough to go to the advertised Clips4Sale website and then beg Heather to let me spend the $20 for the full half hour movie.
Now as many of my long time readers know, the last time I bought a fetish video online, from Premium Pretenders, I was terribly disappointed. It just wasnt' quite as awesome as I would have liked, I really felt kind of ripped off.
I'm VERY pleased to say that this video was completely the opposite - I LOVE it, and it really turned me on. It's not the 'perfect' authentic new para experience I have so often envisioned and fantasized about, but it's really close, and I think the only reason the model sometimes uses her legs (though she uses them in pretty authentically crippled ways, if that makes sense) is that she's asked to do things (like a shower transfer) that no new para in a giant body brace could realistically accomplish without assistance. It was nice to see her struggle through it though.
That's one really nice theme throughout the video that I haven't seen in many other pretender fetish videos - the struggle. This girl is really heavily braced in her full, thighs - to - chin Milwaukee brace, and she's unable to move her head or torso at all and most of the time her legs are useless as well. She struggles to even wheel herself in the hospital rental wheelchair they have her in, and even though I usually don't like those, in this case it adds to the authenticity - in my mind, getting into the fantasy, she's so recently paralyzed that she hasn't even gotten her fancy permanant chair yet, stuggling for every movement and every inch she wheels. It's really nice - at least for someone into that, like I am.
Highlights for me include the very short (too short, really) opening scene that looks like a medical exam, someone pokign her feet with a medical instrument and getting no response - that got me wet immidiately, I just wish there had been a little dialog sayign something like 'I'm afraid the paralysis is complete' or some other dire diagnnosis informing her of her newly crippled condition. There are also some nice bed-to-wheelchair transfers as well as a REALLY sexy 'putting on high heeled shoes' scene that even Heather was pretty hot over.
I guess the only things that would have mde it a full '10' rating would be a diaper (she's very newly para, I think it would be appropriate, and you know me and my diapers...) a little more of that initial 'exam' scene, maybe asking her to wiggle her toes or something, and of course a little less of the scenes that she just couldn't have accomplished as a new, fully braced para. Maybe add in an extra model in a nurses uniform to assist with things like that.
So there you have it - the first para pretender fetish video I've ever bought that I am pretty much completely happy with! I'd give a 9 out of 10 orgasms!!
Final disclaimer - I am not a paid spokesperson for this fetish store/stuido, I DID pay full price for this, this is a completely honest and legitamate review and it 100% my own opinon.
However, if there are any fetish studios who want to give me wannabe/pretender/para fetish videos for free, I openly admit I am a whore and will happily schlock your stuff for you...
Now as many of my long time readers know, the last time I bought a fetish video online, from Premium Pretenders, I was terribly disappointed. It just wasnt' quite as awesome as I would have liked, I really felt kind of ripped off.
I'm VERY pleased to say that this video was completely the opposite - I LOVE it, and it really turned me on. It's not the 'perfect' authentic new para experience I have so often envisioned and fantasized about, but it's really close, and I think the only reason the model sometimes uses her legs (though she uses them in pretty authentically crippled ways, if that makes sense) is that she's asked to do things (like a shower transfer) that no new para in a giant body brace could realistically accomplish without assistance. It was nice to see her struggle through it though.
That's one really nice theme throughout the video that I haven't seen in many other pretender fetish videos - the struggle. This girl is really heavily braced in her full, thighs - to - chin Milwaukee brace, and she's unable to move her head or torso at all and most of the time her legs are useless as well. She struggles to even wheel herself in the hospital rental wheelchair they have her in, and even though I usually don't like those, in this case it adds to the authenticity - in my mind, getting into the fantasy, she's so recently paralyzed that she hasn't even gotten her fancy permanant chair yet, stuggling for every movement and every inch she wheels. It's really nice - at least for someone into that, like I am.
Highlights for me include the very short (too short, really) opening scene that looks like a medical exam, someone pokign her feet with a medical instrument and getting no response - that got me wet immidiately, I just wish there had been a little dialog sayign something like 'I'm afraid the paralysis is complete' or some other dire diagnnosis informing her of her newly crippled condition. There are also some nice bed-to-wheelchair transfers as well as a REALLY sexy 'putting on high heeled shoes' scene that even Heather was pretty hot over.
I guess the only things that would have mde it a full '10' rating would be a diaper (she's very newly para, I think it would be appropriate, and you know me and my diapers...) a little more of that initial 'exam' scene, maybe asking her to wiggle her toes or something, and of course a little less of the scenes that she just couldn't have accomplished as a new, fully braced para. Maybe add in an extra model in a nurses uniform to assist with things like that.
So there you have it - the first para pretender fetish video I've ever bought that I am pretty much completely happy with! I'd give a 9 out of 10 orgasms!!
Final disclaimer - I am not a paid spokesperson for this fetish store/stuido, I DID pay full price for this, this is a completely honest and legitamate review and it 100% my own opinon.
However, if there are any fetish studios who want to give me wannabe/pretender/para fetish videos for free, I openly admit I am a whore and will happily schlock your stuff for you...