Image by Gamera, it inspired the whole story. Thanks Gamera!!

Kate was not just new in town; she was new in the whole country, having just moved from the UK to take a midlevel advert job with a major firm. It was a Great opportunity for someone fresh out of school, with only a Harrods internship to her name, but she had always been at the very top of her class, and her projects had not only taken top marks, but had garnered some interest in the industry as well.
Her apartment still a shambles from the move, she decided to walk down to a local pub and see if she couldn't get a sandwich and a pint of something other than the god-awful American beers she had sampled so far. Maybe even strike up conversations with a few people to try to get to know the locals...
that's where she met Jennifer.
Jennifer came over as soon as she heard that distinct London accent, and began to strike up a lively conversation with Kate. They spoke of many things, and Kate found herself lightheaded and giddy after several pints of Bass ale. She hadn't even been able to order a sandwich before Jen began their conversation, so the beers were making her lightheaded even more quickly. Soon she was laughing loudly and barely able to walk, more intoxicated than she had been in several years, and Jen offered to 'take her home', something Kate readily agreed to.
The 'home' Jen was referring to, however, was not Kate's modest apartment downtown, but a decent sized split level ranch deep in the suburbs, more than an hour drive from the pub. Kate's head was swimming and she was too drunk to protest as Jen and someone else carried her into the house. She threw up twice than blacked out, falling deep into a fitful, uncomfortable unconsciousness.
Kate woke to noise, an almost feral, grunting sound. Her head hurt in ways she scarce could comprehend, and she still felt dizzy, off-balance. She opened her eyes in the dim light and was shocked and terrified to see a naked man on top of her, apparently having sex with her - raping her, as the case were. Before she could scream, however, she realized that it didn't FEEL like she was being raped. In fact, she realized as her mind came out of the fogbank it had been trapped in, she couldn't seem to feel anything at all. She saw him on top of her, saw his cock driving into her vulnerable sex, but somehow felt nothing at all....
Kate's next instinct was to push him away, but her wrists were bound to the headboard with some sort of tape. She started to yell, but her throat was
hoarse, dry, and she could barely raise more than a whisper. the man on top of her looked into her terrified eyes and he said in a low, deep grumble 'shut
up cripple, I'm nearly done.'
Indeed, a minute later in mid thrust the man went rigid, his face frozen in that ugly rictus of climax, and he pulled out from her wet, unfeeling sex. At least, she thought as she saw his rigid cock pulled from her, he was wearing a condom. It was a small consolation to a horrifying situation, but she held onto it as much as she could.
The man didn't talk, and Kate was still so frozen with fear and confusion that she was unable to scream or react as he striped off the latex condom and tossed it aside, then lifted her feet in his hands. she watched, detached, as he took her feet in both hands and began to masturbate with them. She watched her slender bare feet stroke up and down her rapists' cock, and she was unable to feel anything, unable to react at all to this bizarre violation of her body. she focused on her big toe, willing it to move, any movement at all, but she was unable to. She took stock over her situation internally and realized that she seemed numb from her breasts down. she could feel the upper parts of her breasts moving as her rapist fucked her limp feet, but anything below that was gone, numb and senseless. She couldn't move a thing below her breasts, and her hands and arms were held tight, bound above her head. She could only watch as this crazed man finally groaned and came, white and hot and sticky all over her feet and lower legs. she felt none of it, and he then left the room without making a sound, other than the multiple clicks of locks and deadbolts being slid into place behind him. Once the ordeal was over and she was finally alone, Kate began to cry.
Kate awoke to a soft hand gently stroking her hair. It was a warm, comforting feeling, and it briefly drove back the dark, nightmarish images that had been
swimming in her head. She realized quickly, however, that she still had no feeling below her breasts, and the panic leapt into her gut again, uncoiling like a
serpent inside her stomach and chest. Here eyes snapped open and she saw Jen, lovely Jen who had gotten her drunk and.. what? Abducted her? Drugged her? Crippled her? She tried to pull away from Jen's caressing touch but again found herself bound to the bed, her lower two thirds not responding any more than they did when she was being raped. Numb and limp and dead.
"Shhh" Jen said, stroking Kate's cheek. "I know you're scared, but it's OK, I'm here, I won't let him touch you again."
Kate looked up at her, again tried to talk and found herself unable to, her lips and throat were so dry. How long had it been since she had a drink? Food?
"You're thirsty, I know. I'm going to untie you now and raise you up in the bed. You wont' try anything, right? I'm here to help you, I promise."
Kate nodded her head reluctantly and Jen untied her hands and arms, then slowly raised the bed. Jen felt a wave of dizziness and nausea hit her as the bed rose on its electronic lift, but she closed her eyes and it passed. Her body slumped over to the left some, as she had no trunk muscles to keep her self upright. Jen helped her to sit up again and then propped a pillow to keep her upright. She rubbed Kate’s hands, the warmth and circulation returning, and then pressed a plastic cup into Kate's hands.
Kate pressed the cup to her lips and drank greedily, the cold water rushing through her like cold fire. she had gulped half the glass down when Jen pulled it
gently away from her lips.
"Not so fast, you'll throw up." she said with genuine kindness, placing the glass on the bedside table.
"What the hell is going on?" Kate asked, her voice still rough but better. "Why can't I talk? What happened to my legs? Who was that guy who raped me??"
"It wasn't supposed to be like this, I'm sorry." Jen said, and the redness in her eyes reflected true sorrow. "It was supposed to be a surprise for Jake, my husband. a threesome, his fantasy. You seemed like you'd be into it when we talked at the bar, but I know you were drunk, way too drunk to know what we were really taking about. I brought you home and Jake thought you were hot, but then he got weird, he... he said that a threesome wasn't really his fantasy, that his fantasy was different, but that we could still do it with you... that's when..." Jen started crying, large wracking sobs that took her a few minutes to get under control. "You were passed out in the bedroom, he got a needle from the bathroom - I didn't know he even had it, I swear - and the next thing I knew, he had jabbed it into your back. Into your spine. You convulsed, you shook, there was some kind of seizure and Jake told me to get out, that you would be OK, he screamed at me, then I saw him push something down your throat hooked to an airbag of some kind. I think it was breathing for you, for a little while. After that, he moved you down here, to our 'in-law' apartment, and tied you to the bed."
"He raped me..." Kate said in a low, rough voice. Jen looked like she had been slapped. "He raped me, then he got his rocks off on my feet."
"I know, that's.... Well, that's his fetish, I guess. Crippled girls."
"So, he gets off on...." she took a breath and looked down at her paralyzed lower body "He gets off on this? So why me?"
"It was supposed...." Jen choked back a sob and had to re-start. "It was supposed to be me. That's why he had the needle all ready. For our anniversary he was going to do this to me. My surprise threesome, it was unexpected, but you were... "
"convenient?" Kate asked bitterly. Jen only nodded. "So what now?" Kate asked. The look in Jens' eyes told her everything. There was no easy way out of this one...
Kate again woke to grunting and the rough manhandling of Jake. He had her legs spread wide, and she could see how floppy and useless they looked. She looked at the clock in the room. 2am.
"Sneaking away from the wife for a little playtime with the captive cripple?" she asked, disgusted. He wasn't bad looking - in fact, he had chiseled abs and great hair. Not a bad looking guy, if you could overlook the fact that he had crippled her for life and was now raping her on a regular basis.
"Shut up, cunt, and it will be over soon..." Jake growled. His voice had a feral edge to it. It frightened Kate, reminded her that a man who would do this to her would have no qualms about doing much, much worse to her. Her hands were re-tied, something Jen had to do when she left, so all she could really do was watch this man rape her, force his cock deep into her unfeeling sex until he was satisfied. After that, as she expected, he again took her limp, floppy feet and jerked himself off with them, only taking a few minutes of stroking himself with her paralyzed toes and insoles before his hips bucked and he came all over her legs. He didn't even look at her as he finished, just kissed her unfeeling toes and plopped her dead legs back onto the bed with a thud. He left as he had before, locking the door behind him on his way out.
The next day was a similar routine. Jen came in some time in the morning, after Jake had gone to work, apparently, and then fed and cleaned Kate. Changed the heavy adult diaper Kate pissed and shit in, cleaned her unfeeling pussy, cleaned her husbands cum off Kate's legs and feet. She talked to Kate, told her she was trying to work something out, that Kate didn't have to wait much longer. Kate could tell Jen was scared, though. She remembered what Jen had said, that the needle that had crippled Kate was really meant for her, paralyzed for life by her own husband. If he could do that, Kate didn't blame Jen for being afraid.
The pattern continued for several weeks. Jake would come daily, sometimes twice in the same day, to rape Kate's paralyzed body and then masturbate with her floppy, unfeeling feet. She had come to expect it as part of the routine. Jen would come in later and hold her, tell her she was doing her best, clean her, change her diapers, and feed her. She looked forward to her time with Jen very much. She could tell how hard it was for Jen, knowing her husband was fucking another woman night after night under her own roof. Knowing that he preferred a numb, dead pussy to her own sex. She wondered what kind of conversations they had, outside her earshot. He had to know she was taking care of her, and that she knew what he was doing to her. Kate wondered how much more of this she could take. If Jake would eventually tire of her and just kill her. If maybe that's what she eventually hoped would happen.
The pattern changed early one morning. Kate was wakened by Jen untying her and crying, muttering about Jake under her breath. Kate looked to the side of the bed and saw a wheelchair! She didn't even ask what was going on, she just let Jen put her in the wheelchair, because that meant freedom, didn't it? Jen got Kate strapped into the wheelchair and simply said "I'm sick of his crap, I'm leaving, and you're coming with me!" Jen pushed Kate hurriedly through a hallway and into a garage with a shiny black car sitting waiting. She was about to ask Jen what was going on when she felt a warm hazy sensation flowing through her, and quickly lost consciousness.
Kate awoke and her heart sank immediately. She instantly recognized the dim light, the outdated paneling, and the heavy oppressive feeling of her previous prison. She had no idea what had happened, but she felt again strange, different. Her arms were not tied above her head, she tried to sit up, only to find she couldn't. Her arms responded to her command, but...
Kate looked and saw her arms somehow ended just above where her elbows should have been, and were covered in a tight white stocking-like material. She could tell in the dim light that there were bandages under that, as well. She moved both arms tentatively and was able to verify full range of motion at her shoulders, with only a dull, pulling throb as she stretched her farthest. Confused and again terrified, Kate had no idea what was going on or how she had lost her arms. She stopped short as she looked at the rest of her body and realized suddenly that the bed sheet dropped off abruptly midway between her knees and hips. She could see the smooth rounded stumps where her legs ended. She began breathing heavily as she realized her situation, and quickly wondered what had happened to their escape, what had happened to Jen.
Jake came in a few hours later and looked annoyed. He saw Kate was awake but merely said 'Shut up, I'm still going to fuck you." and then proceeded to do just that. He seemed less interested in her newly abbreviated form, though, as he had a harder time reaching climax and didn't bother going to the usual 'second round'. He left soon after and locked Kate in as usual. Kate wondered why he would bother locking her in, since it wasn't like she was going anywhere like this. She wondered where Jen was, and hoped she was OK...
It was another two days, yet only one more rape session with Jake, before Jen returned, and Kate immediately understood why. Jen's arms now ended just above her wrists in slender round stumps with the same dressing and stump socks that covered Kate's new stumps. So this was her punishment then? Kate's heart sank as she saw the results of the escape attempt.
"Jen, I'm so sorry." she whispered.
"So am I, honey. I was hoping we could get away. I didn't know he was already expecting it."
"Your hands..." Kate said, dumbly stating the obvious. Jen held up the stumps.
"Yeah, it's going to be tricky to take care of you now, but I think we'll make due. On the plus side, I think Jake is losing interest in you now that you have no
"I noticed the same thing. I wonder why he amputated my legs if his fetish was all about my crippled feet?" Kate asked aloud. Jen acted as if she hadn't heard the question, and instead started pushing a swivel barstool from the corner over to the side of the bed. She sat in the barstool, her bandaged arm stumps sitting in her lap, and began clumsily using her feet and toes as hands, pulling off Kate's diaper and wiping and cleaning her as usual.
"This is hard." Jen said, sounding exasperated. "I feel so useless like this." and then looked at Kate's paralyzed, amputated body and immediately regretted it. "Sorry Kate, I didn't think..." Kate ignored the comment and waved it off with a brush of her arm stump.
"Does it hurt?" Jen asked. "Your amputations, I mean? Your stumps?"
"Well, my legs don't hurt, obviously." Kate said with a half-hearted chuckle. "My arms feel OK, a little sore I guess. How the hell did he do it? what is he, a surgeon?"
"He's... well don't worry about that, Kate." Jen said. she was fumbling with Kate's diaper, using her toes to try to spread Kate's leg stumps and roll her a bit. It took a while, but Jen got Kate's diaper on and got Kate back situated on the bed. "There, I did it!" Jen exclaimed, and Kate congratulated her too, "Great job honey!" she said proudly after Jen had completed the task with her feet. Both women stared at each other.
"I have to tell you something, Kate." Jen said.
"You don't have to tell me, Jen. You can just kiss me." Kate said, smiling and blushing. and so Jen did.
That was how the relationship started. Feeding and cleaning started leading to kisses and cuddles. Kisses and cuddles led to more. The lovemaking was strange, awkward between the two disabled women; Jen using her feet more than her abbreviated arm stumps, and Kate learning to use her short arm stumps and tongue in ways that at first shocked, and then eventually thrilled her.
"I want to fuck you." Jen said as she held and cuddled Kate in bed. Kate moaned as she felt Jen's stumps caress her face and neck and upper breasts.
"So fuck me." she sighed. "Fuck me hard, tell me how good it feels. I'll never know otherwise..." Kate said in a half joking way.
"I think it would turn me on, Kate. To do that." Jen said sensually, as she kissed and nibbled Kate's ear.
"Whatever you want to do, lover." Kate replied dreamily, only half conscious of what was going on. Jen moved then, and Kate realized what she meant just a moment too late, as she watched Jen use her now talented feet to lubricate her right arm stump with a thick clear lube. "Are you serious?" she asked, and before she got an answer, watched Jen's stump press it's way into her numb sex. She practically screamed with mixed revulsion and ecstasy as she watched her amputee lover fuck her crippled pussy with an arm stump, but Jen was so into it. She sat with her own foot folded under her, and Kate could see she was playing with her own clit with her toes as she stump-fucked Kate's pussy, in and out deeply. Jen came quickly, her talented toes and her hot, wet stump bringing her to a powerful climax. She flopped to the bed, spent, and Kate just sat there, unable to move anything but her little nub arms. she was flushed with both the perversion of what had just been done to her, as well as the pleasure she had been able to provide for quite literally the only friend and lover she had in the world. It was a strange position to be in, but strangely, Kate didn't mind.
as the relationship grew, Jen was becoming more and more caring and nurturing to her severely crippled lover, and Kate, in turn, came to not only rely on Jen for literally everything, she realized she truly began to enjoy it. The next step, however, was one that Kate hadn't anticipated.
The visits from Jake had become less and less frequent, until one day Jen came into the room bouncing and excited. The first surprise was a new pair of shiny, polished hooks at the ends of her arm stumps - new prosthetics! She was beaming as she entered the room and caressed Kate with the cool steel hooks, and Kate was thrilled for her friend and lover as well. She watched as Jen did some simple manipulation with her hooks, from picking up a glass and holding it for Kate to drink from, to tweaking Kate's nipples, which made Kate moan with delight. Her diaper was off quickly, and the women made love passionately, Kate caressing her lover with tongue and smooth round arm stumps, and Jen tracing gentle lines over Kate's body with her new hooks, then going down on her paralyzed girlfriend, licking and kissing the numb, flaccid pussy vigorously. Finally, Jen positioned herself over Kate in the bed, and gently pulled her lips apart so that Kate could kiss and rub her sensual sex with her tongue and her stumps. Jen's orgasm was strong and loud, and she
collapsed onto the bed panting. Kate was pleased that she could pleasure Jen so well, but she felt another pang of regret that she'd never again feel such a
After the lovemaking, Jen apparently had even more in store for Kate. She dressed her in a new diaper, but then also began dressing her in other clothing - something that hadn't occurred before. Normally, aside from diapers and bandages, Kate was kept naked, more 'accessible' for Jake, and eventually, also for Jen.
"What's this?" Kate asked, seeing Jen manipulating the soft pink material with her hooks and feet.
"A surprise for my sweetie." Jen said and began the difficult task of pulling the soft, warm, stretchy material over and around Kate's crippled form. Eventually she finished, and Kate immediately saw that it was a soft pink onesie, like a baby would wear - and even included a Velcro closure between her legs, to better facilitate diaper changes.
"I look like a baby." Kate said in a voice that was both concerned and curious. Jen beamed down at her, then lifted something else. A bottle. she handed it to Kate, who instinctively grasped it between her arm stumps. She looked up at Jen's beaming face and then placed the rubber nipple between her lips and began to drink the delicious, sweet-tasting juice from her bottle. She smiled up at Jen, who imediately began masturbating again, using her toes and one smooth hook to rub her clit. Kate pulled the bottle out of her mouth as she watched, then she said the first thing that popped into her head.
"Do you like this, Mommy?"
Jen came so loudly and deeply that she fell off the bed, moaning with pleasure and excitement. Kate flushed with embarrassment as well as pleasure. It made sense - Jen fed her, bathed her, clothed her. she was incapable of doing much of anything on her own. Jen had always showed an almost motherly caring attitude towards her, even from their first meeting. Even from their... first....
"Where is Jake?" Kate suddenly asked. It had been well over a week since she's seen him. Jen looked at her, the glow on her face softening a little.
"He's around, baby." Jen said, her tone changing 180 degrees from the previous discussion.
"He hasn't been to visit me lately, Mommy." - the last word dripped with sarcasm bordering on contempt. Jen got off the bed and re-adjusted the harness for her prosthetics. She glared at Kate.
"When did you figure it out?" Jen asked, stroking Kate's face. "I thought we were doing so well."
"It took me a while, true, but the first glimmer was my amputations. You did them didn't you?" Kate said, looking at Jen, waiting for the lie. Instead...
"Yes. Jake was getting way too into you, your floppy feet and legs. I hadn't counted on that. Hadn't counted on him choosing you over me, to deviate from
the script. So I took you and drugged you and had all your limbs amputated. It turned Jake off, but it had the additional benefit of turning me on, and making
me want to care for you that much more. You were this perfect little crippled package, helpless and soooo sexy." Jen said, still caressing Kate.
"And you hands, that wasn't part of the script either. That first say I saw you with your stumps, I knew it wasn't something you expected."
"What I told you was partially the truth. He didn't punish us for 'trying to escape' - he punished ME for amputating your legs. Taking away his toys. I woke up
with a splitting headache and no hands and had to figure out what the hell to do next. I was going to get rid of you - oh don't look at me like that, I wasn't
going to kill you, just drop you off at a hospital. I had no idea how I could care for you like this, but I guess I was curious..."
Kate was silent for what seemed like an eternity, finally breaking the silence with a single word.
Jen beamed again. "Yes baby?"
"I'm glad you let me stay." Kate said, looking into Jen's eyes. She was horrified, but she was also grateful, happy that she was loved and cared for by Jen. the mixed emotions within her finally came to a head, and she began to cry, tears welling up and spilling down her cheeks. Jen slipped out of her prosthetics and dropped them to the floor and sat with Kate, drying her tears with her smooth stumps. She kissed Kate deeply, and Kate kissed her back, and the two of them again made love, slowly and sensually, exploring each other's bodies, each other's disabilities. Kate kissed and licked Jen's stumps, and Jen used her toes to massage Kate's breasts and pussy.
They were entwined for hours like that, making love, holding each other. Finally, Kate kissed Jen deeply, and said "Mommy".
"Yes baby?" Jen asked, smiling.
"That's the last time I'm ever going to call you that, you fucking bitch."
Before Jen could react, she felt a sharp poke from behind, and she was unconscious.
Kate woke up with Jake's erect cock poking itself between her lips. She craned up greedily and began sucking it, taking it down her throat before her eyes were even open. She looked up at him from the bed and he thrust his cock into her mouth as she sucked and licked it. Her arm stumps played with his shaft and his balls as best as she could reach. She sucked and licked, loving the warm, hot shaft as it pressed into the back of her throat. Her stumps were very deft at rubbing him just right, and soon he pulled his cock out of her mouth and let her jerk him off with those smooth little stubbies. She felt her own saliva making his shaft slick, and she smiled and rubbed his cock and balls with her warm smooth little stumps. She watched his back arch as she brought him fully to orgasm, and he sprayed hot sticky cum all over her face. She smiled and laughed and licked the tip of his cock playfully, getting the last drips of his semen.
Jake ran his fingers through her hair and then took a warm towel and cleaned her up. He dressed her in a diaper, plus a sexy red leather skirt, custom stockings on her leg stumps, and a very exciting black and red top. He helped her into her power wheelchair and made sure the mouth controls were positioned properly, then kissed her on the cheek and told her breakfast was ready. Kate used the mouth joystick to easily maneuver her wheelchair out of the richly appointed bedroom she and Jake shared, then drove down the main hallway and into the cheerful pink room to check on the baby.
Jen was there, sitting in her power wheelchair. It was pink, just like her room, and she was parked by the window, looking out. When she heard Kate's wheelchair, she put her lips around the baby pacifier that sat in front of her - a custom sip and puff control Jake had made. She sucked on her pacifier and her wheelchair turned, so she could look at Kate. Her head wouldn't move, it was resting against her padded headrest and had a soft Velcro band holding it up, and so she had to move the wheelchair almost a full 180 degrees before she could look Kate eye to eye.
"How’s my baby doing today?" Kate said, smiling. Jen was, indeed, dressed like a baby, wearing a big bulky diaper, a pink onesie with a pony on it, a bib to catch some of her drool, and soft, custom fit booties on her totally paralyzed feet. Her body was totally immobile, from her chin to her toes. Her arm stumps sat limply in her lap, and Kate could see that atrophy had already begun to ravage her once-shapely former lover.
"Nwaa baaa!" Jen tried to exclaim. "use your big girl words, dear." Kate giggled. She knew that with her newly paralyzed tongue Jen wouldn't be using her "big girl words' any time soon. Kate stroked Jen's cheek with her arm stump. "There there, that's my girl." she said with a sneer.
Jake came in behind her. "So how’s the cripple, honey?" he said, ruffling Jen's hair as he said it.
"Hey, jackass - your girlfriend is a paraplegic quad amputee, lets' be a little sensitive with the 'C' word, especially in front of poor unfortunate Jen here."
"Yeah, sorry lover. Just trying to get a rise out of little miss 'I control the universe' here. Not that you're ever going to 'rise' again, are you bitch?" Jake said with unveiled contempt.
"She's gotten a rise out of you, apparently" Kate said, stroking the bulge in Jake's shorts with her stump. "You want to?"
"You mind?" Jake said, obviously not caring if she did or not.
"Go ahead - it's one of the reasons we kept her around, isn't it?" Kate said. "Have fun!"
Jake stripped naked and used the attendant controls to move Jen's wheelchair over to her pink frilly bed. He sat on her bed and lifted Jen's limp, floppy feet, took off her special baby booties, and began to jerk off with Jen's useless, dead feet and toes. Jen was positioned in her wheelchair such that, unless she closed her eyes, she had to watch.
As Jake was using Jen as his perverted fuck doll, Kate pulled up close and parked her wheelchair right next to Jen. "You know Jen, this might not have happened is you hadn't gotten so jealous of me and Jake. See, Jake wasn't the only one getting off on my crippled body - I've had all kinds of dark rape fantasies, used to go to clubs back in London that specialized in that sort of thing. Jake and I were both getting what we wanted, and would have left you to your own plans, but you had to fuck it all up. So now here you are, our personal little crippled fuckdoll. You might have maimed me, crippled me for life, but I'm going to make sure you've got it worse, 'Baby'....
Jake arched his back and came all over Jen's feet. They left her there, in her wheelchair, cum splattered on her feet and legs. Kate wheeled herself into the kitchen and Jake fed her wonderful omlette and coffee through a straw, and they talked about what to do for the rest of the day.
Wonderful story as always sweetie!
ReplyDeleteAmazing, and so hot!! I want more!!
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! I'm speechless, truly amazing!
ReplyDeleteBest story you have ever written,,, i wish you could continue it was awesome!! :)
ReplyDeleteExcellent story, love the suspense building up to surprise twist and ending…please keep up the outstanding story writing. Especially love thinking of the feeling they (your characters) experience while waking up for the first time in their new form.
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful.