So Heather and I have been having an interesting philosophical discussion over the last few days, mostly stemming from the AMAZING new shoes she bought me. Is it sexier to see a woman in a wheelchair barefoot (or wearing stockings and no shoes) or wearing some kind of sexy shoes. Obviously this is personal preference, but we broke it down into three basic 'camps'
Personally, I love either barefoot or stockings/knee socks in a wheelchair. I feel like not wearing shoes somehow enhances the sense of disability. I also love how, on some real paras, the feet are somewhat curled, or flaccid - they just 'look' more disabled, and thats' a huge turn-on for me, personally. Heather likes the 'no shoes' look because it shows off the feet, and she certainly doesn't mind me wheeling around the house barefoot, but it's actually not her preference - which kind of surprised me.
'Normal' shoes
Neither of us are a fan of this. By 'normal' shoes we mean sneakers, flats, loafers, pedal pushers, more 'conservative' shoes. The only exception is Mary Janes, which I like to wear with schoolgirl outfits. (OK boys, picture that in your head for a minute. You're welcome.) Normal conservative shoes just seem 'blah' - both in and out of the wheelchair. Needless to say, we don't own many pairs of these.
'Extreme' shoes and fashion shoes
Here is Heather's preference, but she's a foot fetishist more than a wheelchair fetishist, so this is her preference across the board. By 'extreme' shoes I mean shoes that are so 'outside the norm' that I probably couldn't walk in them if I tried - like ballet heels. Fashion shoes are shoes like Manolo Blahnik and other high end styles that I couldn't afford if I sold a kidney. We've got plenty of knockoffs, though - Heather loves red and pink stiletto heels, peep toes and strappy sandals as well as classic black patent stilettos. I love shoes that tie on somehow, like a strap or silk tie, like the ones HEather just bought me. I like those because I feel like they're tied on so they won't slip off my paralyzed feet :)
So what does everyone else prefer? You prefer barefoot? Sexy shoes? Something else entirely? Let me know - I'd love to hear from you!
Finally - there is a sex podcast that I love to listen to, 'Having Sex, with Katie Morgan', that has been on for a few weeks now. Well I was listening
Episode 10, from Wednesday, August 3rd, that was all about fetishes. It was a good episode, interesting and funny and sexy, but then the last question was about disability fetish! This guy is into wheelchairs and crutches and amputee pretending and they have a pretty good discussion about medical fetish in general - I was blown away and really impressed - and really turned on! You can download and listen for free - give it a try!